Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Mirror, Mirror on the Wall...

Mirrors, in retrospect, are essentially vain materialistic objects. Mirrors were created for people to stare at themselves in pain or in relishment. Those who suffer the pain in the mirror believe they are looking into their souls, however, they are only looking at the aspects of themselves picked upon and judged by society. To quote Plath, a mirror "[is] not cruel, only truthful", exposing the unsatisfactory traits of mirrors. Humans want to be lied to. We crave to be complimented, even if it is a complete fib. Although some may plead for the truth, they become sulky when told the truth and it displeases the person. The only way to overcome this vain tendency to stare at the mirror on the wall is to look inside of us and trust the beliefs that drive our exsistence. In essence, we cannot judge our own souls through a mirror because it only shows our exterior, not our inner personality and thoughts.

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