Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Desire for Wisdom and Knowledge

Why is it that knowledge can be taught and wisdom is only learned? It would be just great if there was a book out there somewhere that would tell me all the decisions I need to make in order for me to live a happy, fulfilled life. Too bad, reality happened. I am the one who will screw up my life with a bad decision or succeed in my life with a good decision. There is no formula for wisdom. Wisdom comes with experience, and there is no avoiding it. (Not that anyone would ever want to avoid it!) Knowledge, however, is a completly different concept. We all go to school for nearly half of our lives just to say that we understand at least something about our idealized professions. Now and then, I find that if I take a step back and let life take its oscillating course, most of the time waking up another morning angry and sleep deprived won't be so bad. I don't want to squeeze all of the juice out of my life, becuase I actually like drinking the pulp. If we all just keep on adding miles onto our highways, we will find that happiness comes more naturally when we live our lives to the fullest.

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