Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Recurring Themes in Hamlet and Oedipus Rex

The plays Oedipus Rex and Hamlet both start by disorienting the reader with questions. Confusion is a recurring theme in both plays and leads the reader right into the problems and situations present in both plays. The turmoil that Oedipus and Hamlet both experience establishes their existential angst. Oedipus and Hamlet feel the weight of the heavy responsibilities to their people due to their high placement in society. The obligations to their people dictate Oedipus's and Hamlet's life. Eventual realizations expand the chaos in both Oedipus Rex and Hamlet in similar patterns. At first, Oedipus and Hamlet feel corruption germinating and don't know who to blame. In time, otherworldly sources inform them who is liable for the depravities but Oedipus and Hamlet aren't sure if they should believe the news. Then comprehension occurs and leads to pandemonium. The characters of Hamlet and Oedipus are essential in exemplifying existential angst.

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