Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Conformity to Laws

Antigone was portrayed as brave, but was she really trying to be valiant when she gave her brother his death rites? Breaking a law is more than just demonstrating against conformity. There has to be a purpose and reason to break a law for the action to be justifiable. A higher cause must be fulfilled, or the disobedience is hollow, and without meaning. The whole point of publically demonstrating a law is to attract people to a cuase, and when there is no cause, people will lose faith in the behavior and the opposition to the specific law. Laws should be broken to prove that the law in question is immoral, or not applicabble to society. Furthermore, breaking a law should benefit the greater good.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for this painting, Miss Breslin! Hadn't seen it before. I like the way you always incorporate some visual in your posts.
